Other Convenient Ways to Support SCCS:
Coborn’s “More Rewards”Coborn’s has a “MORE Rewards” program that raises money for your school! Designate SCCS as your school, and then continue doing your regular grocery shopping. Click here for more information. |
Amazon SmileAmazon Smile donates 0.5% of every online purchase to a ministry of your choice. Choose SCCS! Then, direct your browser to smile.amazon.com while shopping: This is a great way to support our school while doing your regular online shopping! |
Thrivent FinancialIf you are a member, Thrivent Financial will give $250 “action team dollars” to the school or charity of your choice. Learn more. |
Box Tops for EducationA program from General Mills, the school receives $.10 from General Mills for every qualifying box top brought in. For a full list of participating products, click here. |
Office DepotThose using Office Depot/Office Max can designate St. Cloud Christian School as your school and get 5% back for SCCS. School ID# is 70054923. |
United WayThose using United Way can designate all or a portion of their pledge to St. Cloud Christian School as long as the transaction amount is over $50.00. |
If you have any ideas for fundraisers or would like to volunteer at one of the upcoming events, please email our school office: office@stcloudchristian.org. |