“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6
Praise Report:
- For the incredible new staff lead to serve at St. Cloud Christian School this year.
- That SCCS & Little Warriors Preschool continues to grow!
Prayer Request:
- God’s Presence, Power, Provision, Protection, Peace, and Purposes to be seen, experienced, and manifested on our campus in ever increasing measure for this year.
- For new families, students, and teachers to feel welcomed, loved, and valued.
- For growth in UNITY among our staff, families, students, board, and administrative team.
- That as a community we embrace our theme and scripture verse for the year.
- For the Health of all students, staff, and families in our community.
- Wisdom for our board and administrative team in decision making and pursing God’s absolute best for SCCS.
- Enrollment growth.
- That God would be glorified in all that we do individually and corporately, and that he uses even our mistakes to accomplish His purposes.
- Our Nation.